It’s a common misconception that people work out only to lose excess fat and lose bodyweight. The main reason behind the workout is to gain the right amount of weight without disturbing your actual weight and health. So, there is various workout out there to help you gain weight and pursue a healthy and fit life. Today Rubina Ratnakar will be discussing some of the workouts that will help you to gain weight and build your muscles.

  • Squats

The most appropriate and influential home exercise to gain weight. It’s one of the easiest workouts and you can do it anytime you want. Bodyweight squats are an effective way to build muscle at home without needing any equipment. Try a variety of different squat techniques such as sumo squats, squat walks, or sidestep squats to target different muscles and add variety.  

  • Push-ups

Push-ups with Rubina Ratnakar

The next and the most common workout to do at home easily is push-ups. It’s isn’t a difficult process and requires nothing. Push-ups are a great way to work out your upper body without weights. Like squats, you can try different techniques to make push-ups more challenging or target specific muscles. Try standard, elevated, or even wide-handed push-ups for variety.

  • Weight lifting

The next workout that you may do to get your dream body is weight lifting. It’s not an easy exercise and requires some prerequisites and a trainer. It’s recommended to do this workout only under the supervision of any official or a trainer as it may result in some serious injury that can affect your body. So, get yourself together and get ready to gain some weight.

So these are a few workouts with the help of which you can gain weight and achieve your fit dream body. Diet plays an important role in gaining weight but to distribute that diet throughout your body you need to do workouts, and the above-mentioned workouts are the best way to gain weight.  

Check out the latest blogs by Rubina Ratnakar on HOW TO MOTIVATE YOURSELF TO RUN and Ways to recycle wedding items.

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