Walking can be really beneficial for every fitness goal you want to achieve in your life. Not only it will improve your cardiovascular health, but it will also help you in losing excess body weight. Walking 15000 steps every day is quite difficult but will help you a lot if you are able to achieve it. In this blog, Rubina Ratnakar helps you in walking 15000 steps every day.
First of all, you need to prepare a schedule for the day. If you want to achieve this target, you will have to put in extra effort to achieve that. You need to walk for at least one and a half hours in order to achieve this goal. You can divide the time into 3 parts of 30 minutes each and then decide where you are going to accommodate the parts in the schedule.
If you are a working person and stay busy a lot, you will have to bring some major changes. For example, you will be able to give this much time only before and after work. So, that means you’ll have to either wake up early or give time at night, after dinner probably.
You can also take a walk during the lunch hours at your office. For example, eat your meal in 10 minutes and go out for a walk for the rest 20 minutes, if your lunch hours last for 30 minutes.
Try to go to nearby places on foot. If you want to buy something from the market or go to a nearby living person, walk to the place. This will help you in achieving your goal.
Walk around your house as well. Instead of sitting in one place, walking around in your house will help in achieving the 15000 steps target.
It is really important to maintain the pace of your walking. You need to count your steps as well. So, invest in a good smartwatch or you can even keep a tracker app on your phone.
Check out the latest blogs by Rubina Ratnakar on cold water therapy and high-sugar foods.