Running is an amazing activity. It not only mobilizes your body but also enhances your mental health. This activity is capable of curing various illnesses and gifts you an amazing and healthy lifestyle. Today Rubina Ratnakar is here to guide you on how to get started with this amazing exercise so that you can initiate a healthy lifestyle and lead a happy life. So, without wasting any more of your time let’s get started with this amazing and informative article.

  • Feel motivated

Firstly you must feel motivated enough to start running. There are various ways to get motivated to run. You can either take part in a race and test your running skills or you can also take part in a race for a cause. This will motivate you to run for a cause and make you feel proud. So, get that ultimate motivation first.

  • Get moving

Start slowly with Rubina Ratnakar

The next thing is to get moving. Now that you’re bursting out with motivation and ready for that amazing run, slow down. Yes, calm those horses otherwise you’ll tend to run more than you need and that’s how you won’t feel much motivated the next day. So, calm those horses and start walking then running.

  • Pace it up

Now that you’re walking and taking baby steps. Pick your pace and rev up this process of running. Yes, all you have to do is gradually increase your walking speed and pace yourself up. Just focus on yourself and your running pattern. If you feel like taking a break then do it, there’s no hard and fast rule that you have to ace it on the very first day. So, start slowly.

So, this was how you get started with running. It’s a difficult process but once you get the taste of it, you’ll feel healthy and motivated. Now go and run.

Check out the latest blogs by Rubina Ratnakar on HOW TO WORKOUT IN YOUR GARDEN and Travel Tips For Introverts.  

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